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Friday, February 11, 2011

Backhanded Indian compliments from 10 year olds

I forgot to mention- my host sister Aura looked me up and down as I was putting on my backpack this morning. She eyed my Peer Health Exchange sweatshirt and told me "I think Indian clothing really suits you better" in her Bengali/Hindi/British accent.

I think that was her way of saying "today, you look like sh*t." ;)


  1. dearest daughter we want to see an elephant!!!! the auto rickshaw is better looking than we had imagined. also best to dress more india style (?) I guess........ be careful and have fun................ Love Mom and Dad

    p.s. I' m enjoying doing s lot of "dumb" stuff on my pre birthday week..... Love Dad

  2. bahaha, orrr her way of saying, wow you really rock Indian clothing!! yaris, sweet fish to my right here. speaking of which! what happened to the fish that you were gifted?!

    Also hi Miss Adele and Mr Joe!! I want to see an elephant too!! You say you've seen four, Yar, yet I have seen zero ;) Do they feel threatening? Does everyone move out of the way? Or is it just like deer on hereford road?

    Also Also, Yar the lecture on medical treatment sounds fascinating!! that is exactly the issue that Kerry is writing her thesis on, but in reference to Uganda!!

  3. Dear Larsy, I also would like to see an elephant!!!I am loving your blog. I can hear your voice the way it reads. When I was about 10 years old, my friend Teresa had a rickshaw..but of course I was never the DRIVER always the rider....lucky you!!!! Love and hugs to you.. Aunt Kathy

  4. dear Laura, if a photo of an elephant is too big for you blog(they ARE VERY BIG!!!), we understand... you can show us a trunk or an ear and we ll get the idea... !!!!!! hope all is well and you enjoyed your weekend trip talk to you soon daughter!!!! Love Mom and dad

  5. Please, please, please just show a baby elephant. Or some elephant poo. Or the poo from some baby elephant. Or a baby elephant diaper.
